Solvers on Symphony
Symphony's hybrid-permissionless execution network fosters incentivized competition for returning optimized execution paths. There are several key features of our execution network:
Solver Compensation
Solvers earn native token fees based on positions they create on behalf of Users
esCAD is rewarded to Solvers based on their staked tokens required for becoming a Solver
Collateral is securely locked via Proof-of-Lock to ensure Solvers can trustlessly receive payment
DoS/Fraud Prevention
Solvers are required to stake to access the intent-pool. Solvers can stake RWAs enabling them to earn stable yield on their assets. This ensures that malicious parties do not spam the network with requests to create a DoS attack as they must be whitelisted via their staked position.
MEV Prevention
Staked positions to become a solver are at the risk of being slashed. This means that if Solvers act nefariously (i.e. Provide poorly optimized solutions to seek MEV, DoS attack the IPE, etc.) they can have their staked tokens slashed. This incentivizes Solvers to act in the best interest of Users and provide truly optimized execution paths.
Support for Sharded Positions
Liquidity is fragmented between protocols and chains which limits the size of leveraged positions that can be opened. In order to combat this, Solvers are able to analyze optimal solutions between different blockchain networks and protocols. In the case that the position is too large for a single protocol, our IPE is able to support sharded positions. This means that from a Userβs perspective their trade is shown in one simple UI, but their trade is actually occurring on multiple platforms simultaneously.
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